Academician Distinguished Professor Professor Associate Professor

Zhitao Shen

Zhitao Shen, PhD, associate professor, has published many papers in international journals such as Nat. Commun., J. Chem. Phys., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.


2007.07 graduated from the College of Forestry and Horticulture, Henan Agricultural University, majoring in environmental engineering, with a bachelor's degree in engineering;

2010.07 graduated from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Qufu Normal University, majoring in physical chemistry, and obtained a master of science degree;

2015.07 graduated from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in physical chemistry, and received a Ph.D. degree;

2015.09-2017.06 engaged in post-doctoral research in the Department of Applied Chemistry, National Chiao Tung University, and cooperated with Professor Lin Shengxian and Professor Zhu Chaoyuan.

2017.07-present, Associate Professor, Provincial Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic Materials, Henan University.

Main research directions:

Quantum dynamics, theory and frequency spectroscopy, material calculation and simulation.

Preside over important research projects:

Henan Provincial Colleges and Universities Key Scientific Research Project Plan (19A140007): Theoretical research on the C60 sum frequency generation of interfacial fullerenes, 2019.1-2020.12.

Representative papers and works:

1. Zhitao Shen*, Chih-Kai Lin, Chaoyuan Zhu*, and Sheng Hsien Lin. First-principles study on sum-frequency generation spectroscopy of methanol adsorbed on TiO2(110) surface: effects of substrate and molecular coverages. J. Chem. Phys. 2019, 184112.

2. Zhitao Shen, Haitao Ma, Chunfang Zhang, Mingkai Fu, Yanan Wu, Wensheng Bian*, Jianwei Cao*. Dynamical importance of van der Waals saddle and excited potential surface in C(1D)+D2 complex-forming reaction. Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 14094.

3. Zhitao Shen, Jianwei Cao, Wensheng Bian*. Quantum mechanical differential and integral cross sections for the C(1D)+H2(ν=0, j=0)→CH(ν', j')+H reaction. J. Chem. Phys. 2015, 142, 164309.

4. Yujuan Weng, Zhitao Shen, Mingxuan Guo, Fan Wu, Fumin Li, Liangxin Zhu, Lanyu Ling, Chong Chen*. Electric dipole moment-assisted charge extraction and effective defect passivation in perovskite solar cells by depositing a PCBM:TIPD blend film on a CH3NH3PbI3 layer. J. Mater. Chem. C 2019, 7, 11559-11568.

