Academician Distinguished Professor Professor Associate Professor

Yehua Tang

Yehua Tang, Ph.D., associate professor, published many papers in international journals such as Solar Energy, J. Phy. D: Appl. Phys., and applied for 52 national invention patents, of which 27 were authorized.


In July 2004, he graduated from the School of Physics and Electronic Information, Yunnan Normal University, with a bachelor's degree in physics education;

In July 2007, he graduated from the College of Agricultural Biological Environment and Energy Engineering of Yunnan Normal University, majoring in photovoltaic science and engineering, and obtained a master's degree in engineering;

2007.7-2010.9 Obeli New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., R&D manager, engineer;

2010.9-2013.7, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Energy and Electrical New Materials, received a doctorate degree in engineering;

2013.7-2019.7, Obeli New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., R&D director, senior engineer;

2019.8-present, Henan University, Provincial Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic Materials, Associate Professor.

Main research directions:

Crystalline silicon solar cell.

Preside over important research projects:

Scientific and technological research in Henan Province (100,000): Low-cost calcined P/B co-diffusion and application research in polysilicon PERT solar cells, 2020-2021, 20210221065.




3. 低表面浓度轻掺杂区选择性发射极结构的制备方法,专利号:CN103904141B

4. 一种防热斑效应高效太阳电池组件,专利号:CN107749425B

5. 一种光伏电站专用清洗机器人,专利号:CN106026906B

Representative papers and works:

1. Yehua Tang, Chunlan Zhou, Wenjing Wang, Yan Zhao, Su Zhou, Jianming Fei, Hongbin Cao, N+ emitters realized using Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate for silicon solar cells, Solar Energy.2013, 95, 265-270.

2. Chunlan Zhou, Yehua Tang, Wenjing Wang, Su Zhou, Lei Zhao, Hailin Li, Hongwei Diao, Preparation of p+-layer using water vapour as oxidant in BBr3 diffusion for silicon solar cells, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2013, 46,285102.

