Academician Distinguished Professor Professor Associate Professor

Limei Wang

Limei Wang, Ph.D., associate professor, has published many papers in Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Langmuir and other international journals.


Graduated from Cuiying College of Lanzhou University in July 2014, majoring in chemistry, with a bachelor's degree;

In July 2019, graduated from the Key Laboratory of Molecular Nanostructure and Nanotechnology, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in physical chemistry, and obtained a doctorate of science;

2019.9-present, Associate Professor, Provincial Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic Materials, Henan University.

Main research directions:

Characterization and structural control of self-assembled surface nanostructures, surface and interface molecular reactions, synthesis and properties of covalent organic grids (COFs).

Host or participate in important research projects:

National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (3.5 million yuan): Surface and interface molecular assembly and reaction, participation.

Representative papers and works:

1. Li-Mei Wang, Jie-Yu Yue, Qi-Yu Zheng and Dong Wang*, Temperature-Directed Hierarchical Surface Supramolecular Assembly, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123, 13775-13781.

2. Li-Mei Wang, Jie-Yu Yue, Xiaoyu Cao and Dong Wang*, Insight into the Transimination Process in the Fabrication of Surface Schiff-Based Covalent Organic Frameworks, Langmuir, 2019, 35, 6333-6339.

